Wednesday May 17th, 2023
9 am-4 pm (Pete) 4:30 pm-6:00 pm (Free cocktail party)
Columbus, Ohio
Pete Fortunato on How to Win Financial Friends and Influence Allies (So that you can do MORE real estate deals with LESS cash, fewer hassles, and no banks at all) |
Pete Fortunato is a guy who pretty much everyone (including the ‘gurus’) agrees is the most creative real estate investor in the country today.
In fact, the word “genius” is often bandied about along with his name, because in his 50+ year real estate career, he has rarely bought a property using bank financing.
Instead, he does dozens of deals a year using the money, skills, credit and work of other PEOPLE—sellers, partners, private lenders, and more.
As he walks you through some of the creative deals he’s done, you’ll see that:
- Doing deals with PEOPLE is far easier, more profitable, and more fun than doing them with institutions
- Treating those people right means building relationships that create MORE deals, over VERY long periods of time
- Your future financial friends and allies are all around you right now (some of them will literally be there, in the room with you), and you don’t even know it because you don’t know how to build real relationships with them
- There is ALWAYS a way to structure a deal you want so that you win, and your financial friends win, when you realize that only banks and institutions have ‘rules’ about how the finances are ‘supposed to be’
We know that you need this information and inspiration, and we know that Pete is the right guy to set you on this path…
So you need to get to this one-time all-day workshop, and find out how you can start to build your own army of financial friends to help YOU do more deals with less money.
If you DON'T know who Pete is, or why you should drop everything and travel to Columbus in the middle of the week to learn from him, just grab the most successful, creative real estate investor you know and ask.
They'll tell you why you should move heaven and earth to be there, and then they'll probably steal your seat—because it’s filling up fast, and we can’t make more.
Plus, you’ll get to help fulfill the SECOND purpose of this Day at the Capital: showing up at a (free, open bar) reception with Ohio legislators in the evening, from 4:30-6:00.
To make an important point to our legislators: there are LOTS of us, and we should be consulted and listened to before the government makes stupid laws that outlaw wholesaling, or charge a $1,500 a month (that’s not a typo) tax on houses, if you own more than 50 of them, or force us to participate in a Section 8 voucher system that even they know is completely broken.
You shouldn’t even be asking what it will cost you to come;
you should be asking what it’ll cost you if you DON’T come.
But it’s cheap, and even cheaper when you register early., which you can do with that registration button below!
Traveling from out of town? Think about staying in Columbus
The Sheraton has reserved a specially priced room block for $140.00 per night.
(Block is available May 13, 2023- May 21, 2023. Last day to book is April 24, 2023)
Click here to reserve you room at the Sheraton